Project Type
Unreal & OSC & Arduino
Interactive Designer

SoulNet is an interactive installation that delves into the complex relationship between virtual worlds and freedom. The installation presents a fictional demo set in the near future, prompting visitors to reflect on what aspects of their physical reality they would sacrifice in order to access an idealized virtual paradise.

Through this thought-provoking experience, the project challenges the notion that virtual reality and physical reality are wholly separate, and explores the potential ramifications of giving up physical freedoms in pursuit of virtual ones. Overall, SoulNet provides a critical exploration of these themes, inviting visitors to engage with the project in a meaningful and impactful way.

This interactive installation is staged as a fictional tech demo set in the near future. Participants are beckoned by a voice that offers "a new virtual world made in their image". To enter, users must put on a tethered bio helmet and place both hands in the SoulScanner globes which are filled with a wet goo.

These hand contact points are set near the ground, requiring players to crouch and twist their arms in awkward ways. Once the user is "hooked in", their digital avatar appears in the game and they are able to experience "free flow" in the virtual world by moving their character with their head movements.

Additionally, the installation forces participants to confront the idea of sacrificing physical freedom for the sake of virtual freedom. By physically binding themselves to the installation, they are symbolically surrendering control of their bodies to the virtual world. The aggressive voice and the consequences of detachment create a sense of unease and force participants to question the consequences of immersing themselves in a virtual world. SoulNet is a thought-provoking exploration of the relationship between technology, freedom, and the human experience.

SoulNet was a project that involved extensive UX research to better understand how visitors would engage with the installation and how to create a meaningful and thought-provoking experience for them. This research included focus groups and surveys, which helped inform the development of the installation's interactive elements.

The project utilized several technologies, including Unreal Engine 5 for the interactive demo, Arduino for the physical controls, and Blender for 3D mockups. These technologies were chosen for their ability to create immersive and interactive experiences that would engage visitors on a deeper level.

Overall, the combination of UX research and advanced technologies helped create a compelling and impactful installation that challenged visitors to think critically about the relationship between virtual and physical realities.

Adam Code, Alexandre Tarek, Lea Ho, Lexin Zhou, Orsolya Szantho, Sali Mallat, and Sixiong Sheng collaborated to create SoulNet, an interactive installation.
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